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The rants and recipes found here are solely mine.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Nervous Eye

I'll be away for a while. I have an ulcer. In my eye.

This has been the most painful thing I've ever been through (including childbirth. I'm dead serious). And am I fashionable. Picture an eye patch and hair done with my eyes closed. Now I know why pirates wear head scarves.

Seriously, though, I'm in terrible pain and can't see very well. With all the eye issues I already have because of my neuro disease, this isn't a good thing.

I'm resting and watching listening to TV. Very hard to be this immobile.

Our camping trip for the weekend is off. I'm so disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. that just sounds painful!! How did you manage to do that??
    I've been gone for a few days but I'm slowly getting back to the blog world.
    I am beyond ready for school to be OVER!

    I can't do another party, play, field day, end of the season event, concert, wax museum, NOTHING, I can't take it!!

    I'm better now, hope you are too real soon!


I triple dog dare you to comment.

Taking a little time to play with words, to play with food, and just to play!