Getting out the door in the morning quickly is D's most difficult challenge. Getting a healthy breakfast into him is mine. If I only bought Golden Graham cereal from now until eternity, he would grab a bowl every morning and down it without thinking. Chase it with coffee in a commuter cup and he'd be good to go.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Grab and Go Breakfast
Getting out the door in the morning quickly is D's most difficult challenge. Getting a healthy breakfast into him is mine. If I only bought Golden Graham cereal from now until eternity, he would grab a bowl every morning and down it without thinking. Chase it with coffee in a commuter cup and he'd be good to go.
Friday, August 29, 2008
In a Pickle?
Wandering the Tuesday Farmer's Market, Young One spotted a bushel basket full of beautiful, tiny cucumbers. "Who would want all of those?" he asked. I explained to him that this time of year, people were canning and that pickles could actually be made at home. He thought that sounded like incredible fun and tried to convince me to purchase them right then and there. Knowing that canning takes time and quite a bit of work and that that enormous amount of cucumbers would take at least an afternoon to put up, I told him I needed to think about it. We're in the throes of getting ready for school and trying to squeeze in the last of summer before next Tuesday, I was doubtful we could squeeze this in. We made another lap of the market and put our purchases in the car and in a fit of insanity or maybe it was just his big brown eyes, we headed back to buy the cucumbers and a couple of bunches of fresh dill.
So, happily home with the cucumbers, dill, and armed with a recipe that had received raves, I started to explain to Young One how this whole process worked. And that's when I saw the first glimmer of dread in his eyes. I also realized that as much as he might want to help with some of it, the sterile technique required and gallons of hot bubbling brine and boiling water bath might just prove dangerous (burns for him and possible contamination of the precious pickles for all of us!). This is when I realized that I had just decided to add one huge task to my already overwhelming to do list and that I would have to do most of it alone. Oy.
I spent the next afternoon scrubbing cucumbers, peeling garlic, washing dill, sterilizing tops, packing cucumbers in jars, mixing and pouring boiling brine (and marveling at the unique turquoise color that only freshly hot packed pickles have!), and canning sixteen jars of dill pickles. I finished just in time for Meet Your Teacher Night at Young One's school.
Deep breath, and sigh.
Now we wait, for you can't just eat your pickles, they must sit for at least a month or two. In the meantime, Young One learned a lot about what it takes to put food by and I learned that there are still some limits as to what he can help with. But, boy was it enjoyable looking at those packed pickle jars cooling on the counter and it really is satisfying to see them on the shelves in the basement. It got me inspired to can more this year, something I haven't done since I first opened my business and something that my mother and grandmother taught me to do when I was about Young One's age.
I'm thinking maybe peaches. Or jam. Or both...
Once we taste the pickles, I'll post the recipe. I wouldn't want to post an imperfect pickle recipe!
Salmon Davis Junior
Healthy Munchies
I'm a muncher. I always have been. As a child, my mom always said I never changed my infant feeding schedule: six small meals every day. Weight Watchers has got me thinking more about really paying attention to meal times and what I'm eating during that meal. Really being present and in tuned to my body, especially at meal times, really works for me. Learning, listening if you will, to my body has stopped me from overeating many times.
But, I still like to munch. So, I've challenged myself to find munchies for inbetween meals that are zero to very low Points value. Edamame is one of those snacks. One cup of whole pods is only 1 Point (1/2 cup shelled beans is 2 Points). You don't eat the pods, but measuring out one cup of them looks like you're getting a huge serving, which I've found to be one of the secrets to feeling full. You sort of trick your mind that you're getting more than you are. This is a snack that involves a bit of work since you have to shell it, which also makes you slow down and not consume too much. (Although, I do remember some mindless edamame eating at a Japanese restaurant, but that's a whole other story!)
You can find edamame with the other frozen vegetables. Just boil for a couple of minutes, drain, and serve. I like them chilled or at room temperature, so just rinsing them with a little cool water gets them ready very quickly.
Happy Munching!
Another Loss!!!!!!!!!!
This week, though, I got such a great compliment, "You are shrinking away! You look great!" That, to me and my increased energy and greater definition in my muscles are much better victories!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Back to School
Somehow, in the silliness of being young boys of this particular age, they all have adapted meat nicknames. But, all are spelled uniquely, like Turky, Hamm, Bbeeff, Bakon, etc. Many parents only know Young One as Hamm. It's pretty funny. This young gang of overachieving, really smart, nice kids in a gang of carnivores. It's been a really fun chuckle to see what new friends will be added to the gang, although it already makes up most of the meat department of the market. I've suggested they branch out into poultry products.
This year already feels like a success. Young One hit the lottery with his teacher. She's actually a high school classmate of my husband and she's amazing. She's the teacher who stays late and is always trying new things. This year, she's one of a few teachers in the state with a Smart Board, which is basically an electronic chalkboard. It's so cool. Touch the screen and you can move text and pictures around, it links to her laptop, so she can add and control from her desk, you can write on it with electronic "markers"--it's like a Jetson's classroom. She's also the pioneer of having kids sit on Exerballs and has been doing that for years--was featured in national press for doing so. It helps them stay focused and gets the wiggles out (plus, I can imagine they're all going to have six packs by the end of their time in the district!). The Exerballs have spread through the school, so it's not Young One's first year with them, but nice to be with the teacher who's a trend setter, not just marking time until retirement!
We moved to this neighborhood just to attend these schools. This district tests consistently in the highest national rankings. I know , it sounds like I'm bragging, but we've sacrificed a lot so our son can get a great education. We love our neighborhood, but perhaps would have chosen somewhere a little less beige than the burb to live in. Maybe something with a little more of the cool factor built in--you know, great shopping and eating within walking distance, along with more mass transit. Anyway, I've had family members teach in this district and my mom's best high school friend was curriculum director for years. It has all day long high performance classes which are great for Young One, but also the support that those high performance kids need to thrive, which is rare.
I thank God every day for the schools we have, but mostly, I'm thankful for the teachers we have in this district. They truly are educators, which is rare. Imagine actually having English teachers that can write and spell! Math teachers that have Pi day and serve pie. Reading teachers that host book clubs OUTSIDE of school hours just for fun. Music teachers that pursue grants for African Drums and for Sowah Mensah (ethnomusicologist, composer and a "Master Drummer" from Ghana, West Africa) to teach it. A PTA that raises money for children's authors to come and teach. A supportive community of helping hands. The list is endless and we are so thankful.
I hope that if you have children in school you are just as lucky as we are. I go through this falling in love phase every year at this time. I realize that our district is not the only one in the country that provides such things and I realize that a child's education should be as unique as that child. We have it so very easy here just to be able to send our child to public school. I wish that it was that simple for everyone.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Fat Actress
Maybe she shouldn't have called herself The Fat Actress or maybe that tongue in cheek portrayal was really much healthier than Jenny Craig. We Fat Chicks know that it's easier if we take the first shot at ourselves. Humor is a great cover up. What really saddens me, though, is that Kirstie is hunted, mocked, and cruelly beaten down by tabloids and celebrity bloggers (yes, you Perez). They seem to celebrate in her mortification, in rubbing her own truth into her face. Can you imagine? It's my worst nightmare.
What have we become as a society when we don't reach out to those who are struggling with compassion and love? What are we teaching our children when we stand by and watch such bullying? This isn't a new problem, but it seems the Internet has quickened it's speed and it's nastiness. The anonymity of this new media has allowed people to hide behind their keyboards and I wonder just what will come of this. How much more vicious will we become? And worse yet, just how much more hate and violence will we become numb to?
I sympathize with you Kirstie. I really do. All of us chubby chicks have been there at one time or another. It's not easy. The sense of failure can be profound and more detrimental to our health than the actual weight gain. Our pain has been private, just know, that you're public pain is looked upon with sympathy more than with hatred. I know that this just has to be true.
On a more positive note, she is still one of the most beautiful women in the world. I still remember the first time I saw her in that TV mini-series, North and South (incidentally, Patrick Swayze was also in it). She was stunning and still is. Maybe from this public display, we'll get, not fat acceptance (I don't agree with that), but maybe just a smidgen of celebrating the beauty in what you are now. Which, for all of us, is to love that you are always a work in progress and to love the journey, wherever it takes you.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hara Hachi Bu
Hara hachi bu, or “eat until you’re 80 percent full" is a Japanese phrase. This is the one of the secrets of longevity that the Okinawans (the longest lived group of people in the world.) Yes, I had to look this up. Basically, how does one do this and still feel satisfied? I think it's quite simple. Slow down. Eat slower, enjoy each bite, enjoy the company at the table and your surroundings. A good meal isn't necessarily about the food you're eating, but who you are eating it with and where. Think about it some of your really great meals. They haven't necessarily been at white covered tablecloths or lit with candles.
I can clearly remember one of my best meals was eating a scorched hot dog while getting campfire smoke in my eyes. We didn't have buns, ketchup, or any side dishes, but watching the sunset over the lake, with a cool breeze blowing, my family huddled around the fire. Well, it was just perfect.
Weekend Splurging
So, let me give you the skinny on the article (pun intended). Basically, this woman would have a free for all binge all weekend long. Eating and drinking to her hearts content, thinking after her Friday weigh-in that she deserved it and that she had plenty of time to "work off" her over indulgences. I can totally sympathize with her thinking. I mean, we do have to let loose every once in a while, but it has to be within reason.
I weigh-in on Fridays. Why? I do it then because it seems to me the best day for my weigh in (another, well duh, from Young One). I've been working out all week, Monday through Friday I'm much stricter with myself than I am on the weekends. I usually save my Splurge Points, aka Flex Points, for weekend treats. Friday just seems like the day of the week that I just might be at top form. And once I weigh in, I feel like I can relax a bit.
I do relax on the weekends, I don't do formal workouts, just try to get in more activity if I can. I also treat myself to a meal or two out, usually one fairly healthy and one that isn't so great. For example, this weekend, I had a chicken and veggie stir fry at a great Asian restaurant and indulged in a huge cheeseburger and fries. I barely dipped into my Flex Points and that's enough for me. Could I keep on eating through the weekend? Yes, probably, but I'd pay for it next Friday at weigh-in.
Frustratingly, I've figured out that I'm not one that can eat every possible Point (activity Points, Flex points) and still lose weight. Now, I know people that can and I'm slightly jealous, but not hugely so. Here's the deal, and maybe this is a little secret that people just starting the weight loss journey should know: as you start to eat smaller portions, you begin to be more satisfied with smaller portions. Am I explaining that clearly? I think your body just adapts and starts to feel fuller earlier or maybe it's that I've figured out how to eat more filling foods that have lower calorie counts. Personally, I like to think of it as my stomach shrinking, although as a nurse, I know this is really not possible.
I'm sort of rambling here, but what I guess I'm trying to say is that you can't take huge holidays from your healthy lifestyle and still expect to have good results. It's got to be every day for the rest of your life. I expect that when I'm in my eighties I'll still be mentally counting my points. It's something I'll have to do to live well.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Neutral Schmeutral
I don't quite understand how in one breath they tell you that safe weight loss if between .5 and 2 pounds a week and then in the next mention the word neutral when you have a loss right in that range.
I guess that's the price I pay for being able to do all this online and not have to endure meetings (But, hey, if meetings are your thing, great, who am I to judge? We all have to choose what works for us.)
Neutral. Sheesh.
On a side note I twisted somehow yesterday while working out and my knee decided not to follow, so I'm taking it easy today, maybe just do some upper body toning or something. My knee is killing me! It feels rather strange, very weak and like it needs to pop back into place. Best not to hobble away the pounds with Leslie Sansone today.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Waiting to Blend In
I want to blend in. Do you know what I mean? I want to be just another “normal” size person in a crowd. I want to shop only in the regular sizes and not have to venture into the big girl’s section just because my boobs are stretching the limits of the fabric. I don’t want my first impression to be fat, big, chubby, overweight, obese. And with those first impressions come the second ones that we all know are inevitable: lazy, no self-control, overeater, pig, and worse, how could she get that big.
I want to blend in. There’s no number on the scale that will magically make this happen. There’s no measurement of inches lost, pounds lost, or new muscles chiseled. I just expect that it will happen at most likely a very surprising, exciting moment for me. And I will have to pause and revel in it, no matter where I am.
Watch out, I’m about to become just another face in the crowd.
Slow Cooked Mahogany Chicken
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons dry white wine
1 tablespoon grated ginger root or Ginger Juice from the Ginger People
A big ginormous roasting hen or a big chicken
Weight Woes
Feeling fat could be as bad for you as actually being overweight, note researchers from Columbia University in New York City. Stressing about your size may increase levels of brain chemicals linked to diabetes and high blood pressure--the same conditions obese people are more likely to face. To be healthy, focus on eating right rather than making weight loss the sole goal.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Craving without Caving
- Hostess 100 calorie chocolate cupcakes, frozen.
- Chocolate pudding pops, either homemade or purchased
- Tootsie Pops
- Kashi Dark Cherry Chocolate Granola Bars
- Fudgsicle
- Chocolate Graham Crackers
- Chocolate Overboard S'mores: Chocolate graham cracker, chocolate marshmallow (roasted), and a couple of semi-sweet chocolate chips
- Hot chocolate
- Chocolate Cool Whip sandwiched in graham crackers and frozen
The picture above is currently cooling on my stove top. No Pudge Original Brownies made in another favorite thing, my Bakers Edge Pan (for those of us who love the edges and not so much the inside pieces). As you can see, in my hurry to fill this chocolate craving, I splashed a ton of batter up on the sides of the pan! What a mess, but so worth it.
Simply mix with 2/3 of a cup of yogurt-- I've experimented with a ton of different flavors, coffee was fantastic, cherry made them like Black Forest Brownies, just use your imagination. Bake, cool. And I cut into individual servings and freeze for better portion control.
I take a couple out before dinner and top with ice cream or frozen yogurt, fat free Cool Whip, or drizzle with fat free caramel ice cream topping. Top with raspberries and drizzle with chocolate sauce. Or nibble on straight from the freezer.
Fills the craving sensibly and, most importantly, deliciously. If it doesn't taste fantastic, it's not worth eating!
I buy the mixes at my health food store or in the natural foods section of my big grocery store. The only thing I don't like about the mix is the bright colored pig on the front of the box. We chubby chicks don't need a pig riding around in our grocery cart with us and that bright colored box is really eye catching in the check out line.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Is it Chicken or is it Steak?
The Dreaded D Word
I knew that diet equated to tastes bad (I had sipped my mom's Tab and made the same grimace that she and her friends did), so all she had to do was say something was diet and I steered clear. I remember, as clear as it was yesterday, when on a trip to the neighborhood corner store, mom grabbed a Heath candy bar and told me it was diet. Because of my past experiences, I was sixteen years old before I ever tried one--and that toffee goodness definitely wasn't "diet" food. We still laugh about how she had just wanted a treat all to herself and didn't think her comment would affect me for so long.
In a lot of ways, this word, diet, still gives the impression of suffering, deprivation, or all out starvation required to lose weight. And it's just not like that. It really doesn't have to be. Following Weight Watchers, as I have been since last October, I've relearned how to fuel my body. And, in the process, I haven't deprived myself of anything.
That said, I have learned how to plan for treats--workout more, save my weekly Flex Points, or eat less, or eat MORE zero Points foods to balance it out.
It makes me laugh to see people diet because that's not at all what I'm doing. I really have changed my lifestyle, but I don't feel deprived and I really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. We all know the carb cutters, the glycemic index people, Jenny Craig followers, LA Slim or whatever it's called people. Most of them are back, "dieting again." I've never tried any of those diets. I know they don't work and my time spent on them will just be wasted.
Those of us with the chubby challenge need a whole new education on eating to be successful. It isn't even necessarily that we've eaten more than your average skinny chick, in fact, for many of us this is just not the case. It's that we were cursed with an efficient metabolism that requires fewer calories to run than the skinny chicks (so, we're better at something anyway!) It never has been that they're just smarter nutritionally or make better choices than we do. Never. Realizing that has been such a great source of peace for me.
So, when I speak with someone who's dieting, I just wonder why. The secret to weight loss really isn't a secret at all, but simply a truth that you have to live every day: eating sensibly and being physically active every day for the rest of your life. That's it in a nutshell. Anything else, any diet with a beginning and end, will not work.
Fat Rant
I wonder, also, if everyone basically thinks of me as that big girl. Or if they describe me to people, say as if they needed to separate me in a crowd at a party, they'd say, "she's the chubby one over there." I never really thought about it before, because my own thoughts have often been very negative in describing myself, I guess I didn't need to go any further. I more times than not think of myself as fat first and then whatever other adjective after. So, the fat, funny girl. The fat, smart chick. The fat, mom. The fat, friend. The fat, wife. The fat, writer. The fat... Is that the first adjective that others have used to describe me too?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Declaration of Independence
The Five
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
I can't believe I've never read any of Capote's work, at least, not that I can remember. Maybe at some point in college, but those English classes were so easy compared to all my other coursework, I'm not surprised they didn't leave a lasting impression. I found this book riveting. Everyone I spoke with about the book claimed to be terrified while reading it. I suppose, maybe at the time it was written it was shocking, but it wasn't as terrifying as say, Law and Order or CSI. Alas, we've been desensitized! Anyway, this is the true story of the murder of an family in Kansas. Not just the story of the murder, but the story of the murderers too. I did find myself sympathizing with the murderers, Capote did a great job of that. What was so riveting was his descriptions, the suspenseful build of what you knew was the inevitable. Saying I loved the book seems trite, trivializing the subject matter. Love isn't a word that should be used when reviewing this book. I found it fascinating, riveting, and mesmerizing, the pages called to me and I had to stay up to read it's conclusion. I would definitely say it's a must read, but leave yourself time to really immerse yourself in it. It's not a book that should be stopped and started, but read through as much as you possibly can.
Life Death Love and Freedom John Mellencamp
Really quite brilliant. I've been a long time fan. This was worth waiting for.
Freshly brewed coffee in our new Breville Single-Serve Coffee Maker. So, our Cuisinart coffee pot died, not being that old, and I did a ton of research trying to figure out the best replacement for it. I knew I wasn't going to get another Cuisinart--I just wasn't happy with our past experiences. So, I really wanted an automatic espresso machine, but I couldn't justify the price. Maybe one day and maybe for a gift, but not today. I never thought I would want one of these single serve coffee makers. I found the pod versions to be intriguing, but not quite there. This one got me. The sealed K Cups keep coffee very fresh, right until the point of brewing. The filter pods were too open and allowed coffee to get stale, not to mention, they just didn't produce a great tasting cup of coffee. So, after reading countless reviews, we chose this one. And after getting to see it in action at Williams Sonoma (and on You Tube, you gotta love that!). We were sold. We waste much less coffee now and we both can choose what we want for blend or flavor. Plus, Young One can make his own hot chocolate with the touch of a button and he intends to do some experimenting with using the hot water to quickly make hot cereals for breakfast.
It's such a great gadget. Fill the reservoir with water, set the clock and timer for when you'd like the water hot (there's a start and end time so it shuts off when you don't need it anymore). If you do want to bypass this set time, you can always just turn it on. It takes less than 3 minutes to heat water. Then pop in a K Cup or fill your My K Cup (a little reusable filter cup), chose the size cup you want, and brew away.
You will need to play around with the strength, the type of coffee, etc to get the perfect cup. So far, I've really enjoyed some Italian Roast, both hot and iced. The Kona is a blend, so I'll stick with grinding my own beans when I want a taste of Hawaii! Environmentally, I don't like throwing away the K Cups, so I pull them apart and recycle the foil top and the cup. Clean up is simple and the really large reservoir makes a lot of cups, so you don't have to refill very often.
Definitely a great addition to our home.
Definitely coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.
Our new gadget. And tons of tomatoes from the garden. Yum!
We Couldn't Wait for Peach Season
I hope this makes sense. I'm highly caffeinated due to a new coffeemaker that I just love and my mind is racing faster than my fingers.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Oh My Wordle!
Friday, August 8, 2008
In Gratitude
~For an evening alone, just when I thought I couldn't handle one more description of Guitar Hero or Spiderman 2, the game.
~For the ability to listen to books online for free through our library system. Oh, I love modern technology.
~For my sleeping, elderly dog sitting next to me. I love ya, Pip, especially when you snore and chase squirrels in your sleep.
~For abundance. We have so much, I never want to forget that I am very very lucky.
~For a husband who agrees with me that we can't take it with us and that we'd better spend it on experiences and not things.
~For a son who loves Guitar Hero and Spiderman 2 so much that I get to hear about it (yes, I'm feeling guilty about the first item on this list)
~For Stephen King. You scare the crap out of me, but listening to your book right now, I'm loving every minute of it.
~For my garden, my copper swirly sprinkler providing background music to my evening as it waters.
~For Wint-O-Green Lifesavers. First of all, your name is simply brilliant, and second, a candy that actually sparks when you bite it is just cool (go into a dark room with a mirror and check it out--I remember crazily giggling while doing this with some of my sorority sisters--oh, another admission that has a long story behind it!)
~For my fellow bloggers. I feel a kindred spirit. I need to write more than I need to be read. Thank you, though, for reading.
Roasted Garden Goodness
The Five
The Memory of Running: A Novel by Ron McLarty
I'm currently riding high on several great books. I loved this book. It's central character, Smithy Ide is a very overweight, chain smoking, factory worker, who loses his parents in a terrible car crash. While reeling from this situation, he receives a letter that informs him of his mentally ill sisters death in California. So, he hops on his bike and starts to ride to California. And in the process, he loses more and gains more. A great book. I devoured this book while on vacation and am looking forward to reading more of McLarty's work.
Song Yet Sung by James McBride
I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't know much about the history of slavery in our country. It's something that I've wanted to learn more about and this book did just that. No, it doesn't detail specifics, but reaches straight into the souls of those people involved in such a horrific business. The traders, chasers, owners, and the slaves themselves are profiled in this amazing novel. I felt like I was right inside the minds of the characters and this book truly opened my eyes to the run away slave's experience. I can't imagine what it would have been like to live this way, denied freedom and treated less humanely than most animals of the time. Please read this book and share it. It's story will haunt you.
On a side note, I found it very interesting how the author incorporated the Dreamer's visions of the future. Thought provoking to say the least. Well done James. Like all good books, I held this one to my chest, sighed, and wished that it didn't have to end.
The Essential Billy Joel (2CD) by Billy Joel
Oh Billy, I hereby apologize for belting out your tunes and not getting the lyrics right, but I can't help myself. You are timeless. And, I must say, that if I can't hear you in concert, I've just got to get my fix somehow. This CD does it nicely for me.
Canned spaghetti. Can't school start soon? This is one of Young One's favorite treats and although I know as a mom venturing on a new, healthy lifestyle I should not allow such disgusting food articles in the house, this is one of his quick fix lunches. I'm lowering my standards slightly so that he can make his own lunch. Sometimes, I think, we as moms have to do this in order to boost their self confidence and self sufficiency, right? (A total rationalization of unhealthy behavior, I know. Please forgive me.) We have a delightful high fiber pasta tossed with chunky marinara hidden in the fridge behind the coffee creamer and the Greek olives, but somehow this sickly sweet canned concoction is what he craves. Sigh.
Definitely not the canned spaghetti, not that I would want it, but those cans are single servings, Young One informed me. Actually, I'm munching on cherry tomatoes from the garden which are sweet and delightfully Point free.
My new birdhouse, thanks mom. Purchased at a craft fair while on vacation, I got to pick the color. It's bright yellow and looks so great stuck in a flower bed near our red chairs and fire pit. A Debbie Downer informed me that painted birdhouses are toxic to the baby birds, so until I investigate further, I'm blocking the hole with a little netting. It's too late in the season for baby birds anyway, right?
Taking a little time to play with words, to play with food, and just to play!