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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Blue Christmas

I'm missing my dad terribly this Christmas. Dad died four years ago of pancreatic cancer. I was more than just his little girl. We were good buddies. In his eyes, I could do no wrong, and that's a beautiful place to be.

I don't know why I'm missing him more this year than others. Grief comes with surprising intensity at times. Just when I think I'm OK, it hits me, heavier than a ton of bricks. He's here with me, I know that. His teachings, his wisdom, his words, they all echo through me, through Young One, through my brothers.

My mom and I talk, and laugh, and shed a few tears over memories. My dad wasn't a perfect man. No one is. But, he is missed. I think everyone who has someone to miss, will miss them more around the holidays. It's just one more reason to hold those you love who are still here, even closer.

Do something for me, for my dad, this year. If you know someone that is alone, who has lost a spouse or dear one this year, include them in your celebrations. Reach out to them. For, I can't imagine going through this alone.


1 comment:

  1. Oh girl,

    You are in my prayers everyday anyway but today I'm sending you extra peace to your heart and your soul!

    I too am a daddy's girl and he is also more than that, he is my best bud. I can't even imagine your pain...

    This is the first year my daddy is spending without my grandfather (his father) and I know it is going to be tough!
    My family is not big on talking about things and I don't think my dad's going to be praying for help with this difficult holiday that is upon him. So I'm talking and praying for him....

    Peace, Love, COOKIES....


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Taking a little time to play with words, to play with food, and just to play!